AGRIPOLY-DPP Spring School 2019

The first AGRIPOLY-DPP Spring School will be held from 25.03. – 29.03.2019 in Halle. The program includes lectures, trainings and lab demonstrations given by PI’s from MLU, IPK, JKI and IPB. Lectures are open for interested PhD students, AGRIPOLY-DPP members will be given priority.

Scientific Program



Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, Seminarraum E04

 Welcome – Holger B. Deising

Plant thermomorphogenesis – acclimation of plant growth and architecture to elevated ambient temperatures (Prof. M. Quint, MLU)

Introduction to basic statistics (for plant scientists and others) (Dr. C. Delker, MLU)


Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, Seminarraum E04

Basics of Plant Breeding (Prof. K. Pillen, MLU)

Marker Trait Associations (Dr. A. Maurer, MLU)



Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, Seminarraum E04

Reverse genetics and microscopy to understand fungal pathogenesis

Fungal secondary metabolism: A prerequisite for plant infection (Prof. H. B. Deising, MLU)

Characterization of fungal mutants (Dr. A. Silva, MLU)


Seminarraum 257 im Biotechnikum-MLU, Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3

Key aspects of plant oil deposition and seed oil quality (Prof. I. Heilmann, MLU)

Quantitative analysis of membrane and storage lipids (Dr. M. Heilmann, MLU)



Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, Seminarraum E04

Calcium signals in plants (Prof. E. Peiter, MLU)


Challenges of wheat breeding for resistance against the background of climate change (Dr. A. Serfling, JKI)



Hörsaal im Biologicum – Gewächshaus, Weinbergweg 10

Ageing and Stress in Plants

Chlorophyll Fluorometry as Stress Parameter (Prof. K. Humbeck, MLU)


Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, Seminarraum E04

Visual diagnosis of plant nutrient disorders (Prof. N. von Wiren, IPK)



Seminarraum IPB, Weinberg 3

CRISPR-edited potato plants (Prof. S. Rosahl, IPB)


Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, Seminarraum E04

Plant viruses and the plant’s RNA silencing response to viral infections (Prof. S.-E. Behrens, MLU)

Closing remarks – Holger B. Deising

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